You don't want to give the whole world access to your Teachable course materials. 

Find out how to instantly share ONLY Teachable students to selected files and folders in Google Drive when they enroll.

Share your Google Drive Files & Folders Exclusively with your Students

If you are anything like me, you love using Google Workspace's Google Sheets, Docs, Slides and Forms for your Teach:able course and managing it all in your Google Drive.

The problem is that if you want to use this for a course, you have to either:

  • Share your links with the world.
  • Awkwardly find your new student's email and share them to each file and folder.

Neither option is idea.

That's why I created this tool.

In 5 minutes flat, you will be able to setup your your very own connector to your Teach:able school that will instantly:

  1. Listen for when a new student is enrolled on one of your courses.
  2. Automatically add that student to your selected Google Drive files and folders.
  3. Update your own Google Sheet with the registered student.

It's really that simple.

Want to learn about the special features? Read on!

Automatically Sharing Your Google Drive Folders and Files: Features

Select Permission Type

Permissions are set to 'View' as default, but you also have the ability to share your students as 'Editor' or 'Commenter' on selected files or folders.

This is ideal if you want to do some hands-on collaboration with your student.

Bulk prevent Sharing and Duplication

From a click of a button from your Google Sheet, you can:

  • Prevent editors from sharing...
  • Prevent downloading, copying or printing...

... of your selected Google Drive files and folders that you intend to share with your students.

Ensure All Students have a Google email.

Not all students sign up with a Google Email.

The good news is that your Google Sheet will handle this and send any student who does not have a or Google Workspace Domain email a request to provide a Google email.

Then your Google Sheet automatically shares them with your selected files and folders once they provide an email.

All for less than a cuppa!

What about existing students? I've got you covered, read on!

Google Sheets Script to Share Existing  students to Google Drive files and folders.

Google Sheets custom Script to Share Existing Students to Google Drive Files and Folders

Combing your Teach:able school's API with the power of Google Apps Script you will have your very own script that can share Google Drive files and folders with existing students with a click of a custom menu item.

Want to see some data on your courses and students?

You can also collect:

  • Users
  • Courses
  • Enrollment from your school to look at in your Google Sheets.


You will get:

  • Your very own copy of the Teach:able Google Sheets Drive connector tool.
  • An example, copy of the Google Sheet populated with sample data so you know what to expect.
  • Instructions setting up your Google Sheets tool.
  • Forum for support from us and your peers.

Updates, Feedback and Suggestions

Get involved in developing this tool further.

If you provide some great feedback or suggestions we will implement it in the next update.

One Final Cool Thing

The fun thing is that when you sign up for this course, I'll be using the exact same script as you to handle sharing the Google Sheet tool with you!

I think that is pretty cool in a meta sort of way.

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